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Complete the name, nsignature, and date section (part 4) at the bottom of this form. Attach this form to the carboy and schedule apIF NO, the liquid in this container is NOT suitable for release. Perform a radiation/contamination survey of thefIF YES, skip part 3 and complete part 4 (name, signature, date) of this form. Dispose of the liquid as Part 4: This Form Completed By:Date of Analysis: happropriate for it's chemical and physical properties. Send this form to Radiation Safety as a record of the disposal.1 re-wipe the exterior of the container. SignatureI of the dose rate on the container when you request the pick-up.LIQUID RELEASE EVALUATIONUIF no answer, a required field in part 1 has been omitted or not completed correctly. wNote: If the contact dose rate is >0.5 mr/hr special labeling is required for transportation. 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